Lily Bouquet

Lily Bouquet

Lily is commonly considered to mean the beauty of youth, passion and renewal and rebirth. White lilies are an obvious symbol of purity, pinklilies means encouragement with a difficult challenge, yellow lilies is the most commonly symbolize good health and healing, while bright red lilies means passion and work great for weddings.

Lily Bouquet

Lily Bouquet

Lily Bouquet ..

HK$560.00 HK$690.00

Lily Bouquet

Lily Bouquet

Lily Bouquet ..

HK$610.00 HK$710.00

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera ..

HK$510.00 HK$590.00

Love Story

Love Story

Ten Stargazer Red Lily in Vase Long-lasting bouquet that is perfect for any occasion! Stargazer&nbs..


Lovely Snow

Lovely Snow

A Bouquet of Four White Lilies and Lisianthus plus Greenery in a beautiful Hand bouquet. White lill..


Medium Mixed Bouquet

Medium Mixed Bouquet

Medium Mixed Bouquet ..

HK$710.00 HK$760.00

Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet ..

HK$590.00 HK$630.00

Mixed Bouquet , gerbera, lily and orchid

Mixed Bouquet , gerbera, lily and orchid

Mixed Bouquet , gerbera, lily and orchid ..

HK$660.00 HK$690.00

Mixed Lily Bouquet

Mixed Lily Bouquet

A Bouquet with two yellow lily mixed with red lily, this two ton lily bouquet suitable for birthday ..

HK$660.00 HK$710.00

Mixed Pinks

Mixed Pinks

Mixed Pinks ..

HK$710.00 HK$910.00

Mr White

Mr White

Half Dozen White Roses with White Lily and Gerberas Bouquet The simplicity white flowers bouqu..


Oriental , Gerbera and Roses Bouquet

Oriental , Gerbera and Roses Bouquet

Oriental , Gerbera and Roses Bouquet ..

HK$610.00 HK$740.00

Oriental and Iris Bouquet , 3 Lily and 5 Iris Vase Bouquet

Oriental and Iris Bouquet , 3 Lily and 5 Iris Vase Bouquet

Oriental and Iris Bouquet , 3 Lily and 5 Iris ..

HK$660.00 HK$760.00

Oriental and Iris Bouquet ,3 Lily and 8 Iris Vase Bouquet

Oriental and Iris Bouquet ,3 Lily and 8 Iris Vase Bouquet

Oriental and Iris Bouquet ,3 Lily and 8 Iris ..

HK$710.00 HK$810.00

Oriental Bouquet , 5 Lily and 6 Rose Vase Bouquet

Oriental Bouquet , 5 Lily and 6 Rose Vase Bouquet

Oriental Bouquet , 5 Lily and 6 Rose ..

HK$660.00 HK$760.00

Showing 31 to 45 of 57 (4 Pages)


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