Lily Bouquet

Lily Bouquet

Lily is commonly considered to mean the beauty of youth, passion and renewal and rebirth. White lilies are an obvious symbol of purity, pinklilies means encouragement with a difficult challenge, yellow lilies is the most commonly symbolize good health and healing, while bright red lilies means passion and work great for weddings.

Oriental Lily and Rose Bouquet

Oriental Lily and Rose Bouquet

Oriental Lily and Rose Bouquet ..

HK$690.00 HK$790.00

Oriental Lily Package with White wine and balloon

Oriental Lily Package with White wine and balloon

Oriental Lily Package with White wine and balloon ..

HK$760.00 HK$810.00



8 Stems Red Lily in a Bouquet Beautifully scented red oriental lilies arrive ready to arrange to cr..


Pink Flowers Bouquet

Pink Flowers Bouquet

Pink Flowers Bouquet for a sweetly pink lady, One Pink Lily with four Pink colors gerberas beautiful..

HK$510.00 HK$510.00

Pink Lily Flowers Bouquet

Pink Lily Flowers Bouquet

Pink Lily Bouquet with five steams of pink lily and decorate with pink color flowers, a warm selecti..

HK$710.00 HK$810.00



Priscilla ..

HK$630.00 HK$690.00

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet ..

HK$660.00 HK$760.00



Rosetta ..

HK$660.00 HK$690.00

The Daniella Vase Bouquet

The Daniella Vase Bouquet

Snapdragon Bouquet with 10 Mix Color Snapgragon in Pink, Orange, White or Red. Seasonal Flowers in a..

HK$690.00 HK$710.00

The Pure Clarissa

The Pure Clarissa

The Pure Clarissa White Rose Boquuet with 5 White Rose, eustoma, sala tip, alstromeria, golden ..

HK$810.00 HK$960.00

The Yellow Sienna

The Yellow Sienna

Yellow Sienna contain 20 Yellow Rose, 10 billy button and yellow flowers beautifully wrapped in ligh..

HK$1,060.00 HK$1,310.00



Zaria ..

HK$640.00 HK$700.00

Showing 46 to 57 of 57 (4 Pages)


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