10 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet


Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh & beautiful floral bunch having 10 Red Roses in a round shape Hand Bouquet. Why Not send one dozen with 12 roses, 10 roses in Hong Kong means Perfect match.

10 Red Roses in Round Bouquet

  • HK$760.00
  • HK$690.00

Tags: red, elegance, birthday, rose, anniversary


Six Roses Mixed with Six Gerbera Bouquet

Six Roses Mixed with Six Gerbera Bouquet

Six Roses Mixed with Six Gerberas Bouquet..

HK$660.00 HK$710.00

Sweet Peach

Sweet Peach

16 Stems Rose Bouquet in Peach Color Send Sixteen Light Peach roses (Champagne Color) in a bouque..


Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera ..

HK$510.00 HK$590.00

Romantic Forever  99 Blue Color of Roses Bouquet

Romantic Forever 99 Blue Color of Roses Bouquet

99pcs Roses Bouquet in Blue Color, Blue Roses mean Romantic, send this very special 99pcs Roses Bouq..

HK$3,998.00 HK$4,998.00

Birthday Combo with Flowers, Birthday Cake and Teddy

Birthday Combo with Flowers, Birthday Cake and Teddy

A Birthday Combo come with a Bunch of 18pcs Roses Bouquet, a Delicious 1Lb Birthday Cake, a 30cm Hei..

HK$1,060.00 HK$1,260.00

Pink Lady

Pink Lady

One Taiwan Orchids with fillers arranged in a classical pot..

HK$409.00 HK$410.00

Purple Lover

Purple Lover

Perfect Match ! Purple Roses and Pink Carnations arrangement in Vase with a Purple Bow, total twelve..

HK$810.00 HK$1,060.00


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